A Skipper’s Tale by Gixxer Skipper: Talisker 10. A story in a glass.

Thank you Luke aka GixxerSkipper for sending me your fabulous story. It was a pleasure reading it and I can only hope I have managed to do it some justice, it really felt like a small chapter of a book. So I tried something different with the video. Oh boy was it a task to pull together stock footage to something semi-cohesive. I really see this series going down the animated route but alas I don’t have those skills or the spare cash to get it done. Maybe some day. Anyway I hope you like this Luke and the rest of you show Luke some love in the comments please. The aim of all these stories in a glass, hopefully some poems and artwork too is to produce a whisky community book. So if your feeling inspired, great! Send me the results and we will do something cool.

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