Mackmyra Brukswhisky and Potatoes! Ep30 – The Whisky Trials

Swedish distillery Mackmyra very kindly sent me a bottle of their Brukswhisky. As a die hard Scotch fan my immediate disposition to such spirits is disinterest usually ending in disappointment, will it be the case here. Also I dig and plant a dreel of potatoes. Some epic potato related B-roll goes on in this video and I talk so much it gets dark. Enjoy….or don’t. Your choice. A massive thanks to Mackmyra for sending me whisky for free. It does not happen often and I appreciate the gesture despite there being an obvious marketing motive involved. This did not affect my views on the whisky at all and if you watch the whole video I think you will agree that I’m certainly not blowing the Mackmyra trumpet, maybe giving it a little toot and then laughing at the small toot it made 🙂

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